Selasa, 08 September 2015


Hi all! We meet again! XD

So, i got a task again. The task is : To promote our school event! XD

Now, i wanna promote to you all about my school event. The event will be held in 19 September 2015. 11 days again from now:3
The event has a name. The name is : GAMARVANI.
Good name right? XD

GAMARVANI is a name who taked from GAMA and VANI.
Well actually, this is a cultural event. And the event has a story.


Hey, do you want to know the story?? I'll tell you if you wanna it.

Once upon a time in the West Java there was a kingdom called the kingdom Pakuan .  Royal fern is very fertile and has a very beautiful natural scenery. Even the people live in peace under the leadership of the wise king.
Inside the palace there are two teenage girls were equally beautiful and always looks very harmonious. The one named Endahwarni and the other named Anteh .  The King and Queen are very fond of both of them , even though the two girls have different social status. Endahwarni daughter is Pakuan royal heir, while Nyai Anteh is the only son of the queen 's favorite ladies.
Because Nyai Dasti , Anteh Nyai mother had died in childbirth Anteh, then since that time Nyai Anteh grew up with Endahwarni daughter who happened to be a newborn. Now after Nyai Anteh teenager, he was appointed as a private ladies Endahwarni daughter.
And than...


To be continue :3

If you wanna know the full story, join us in GAMARVANI! :3 come'on! The ticket is cheap!
I'm sure, you'll not bored with the event. Because, the event have many show. There are :
- Traditional games of West Java
- Classical Music of 3
- Angklung of 3
- Pencak silat
- Food festival
- Hivi!
And many more!!
See? You'll not bored right? XD

This event has positive impact to us. The impact is to make you loves our cultural.
Nice and modern culture that it does not only come from outside. But we also have them. In fact we have more culture than they. So now is our task as the next generation to continue to develop the culture and preserve it.

Well, come and join us!!

That's all my promotion.
Hmm, i curious obut the clo-
Well, thats not important.
So, thanks for visiting my blog! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Bye bye!

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